Salacia Reticulata
Salacia roots/Salacia reticulata roots Extract
- Botanical Name : Salacia Reticulata
- Family Name : Hippocrateacaea
- Common Name : Salacia, Kotalahimbatu, Marking Nut Tree, Saptarangi.
Uses :
The roots are bitter, acrid, vulnerary, liver tonic and stomachic.
They are useful in conditions of vata, diabetes, leprosy, skin diseases and colic.
It was attributed to its intestinal a-glucosidase inhibitory activity. A-Glucosidase inhibitors retard the digestion and hence absorption of carbohydrates in the small intestine that prevents the increase in blood glucose concentration after a carbohydrate load.
It shows hepatoprotective effects and also used as liver tonic.
It is effective in case of rheumatism, skin diseases and inflammation.