Jack Fruit/Artocarpus Heterophyllus
- Botanical Name : Artocarpus Heterophyllus
- Common Name : Jack Fruit, Jakfruit
- Part Used : Seeds, Jack Fruit, Leaves
- Product offered : Seeds, jack fruit, dried fruit, leaves
Uses/Benefit of Jack Fruit : Jackfruit is infused with a diverse set of vitamins such as vitamin C and A, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, sodium and folic acid. Jackfruit has potassium that maintains the sodium level in the body. Good level of potassium helps to maintain the fluid level to balance electrolyte. Jackfruit contains calcium, which strengthens and promotes healthy bone. This can also prevent osteoporosis. Jackfruit also contains good level of potassium, which can decrease the loss of calcium through the kidney and increase bone density..The leaves are useful in fever, boils, wounds , skin diseases. The young fruits are acrid, astringent, carminative and tonic. The ripe fruits are sweet, cooling, laxative, aphrodisiac and tonic. The seeds are sweet, diuretic, aphrodisiac and constipating. The wood is nervine and is useful on convulsions. The latex is useful in dysopia, opthalmities and pharyngitis. The Chinese consider Jackfruit pulp and seeds tonic, cooling and nutritious, and to be "useful in overcoming the influence of alcohol on the system." The seed starch is given to relieve biliousness and the roasted seeds are regarded as aphrodisiac. The ash of Jackfruit leaves, burned with corn and coconut shells, is used alone or mixed with coconut oil to heal ulcers. The dried latex yields artostenone, convertible to artosterone, a compound with marked androgenic action. Mixed with vinegar, the latex promotes healing of abscesses, snakebite and glandular swellings. The root is a remedy for skin diseases and asthma. An extract of the root is taken in cases of fever and diarrhea. The bark is made into poultices. Heated leaves are placed on wounds.